We often ask our staff and participants to approach their time on project with us prepared to be not just flexible, but fluid. And fluid was certainly the word for this week! Beginning on Saturday the Matamoros skies opened up and the first downpour of the rainy season settled in for over three days. City streets became swelling rivers in a matter of hours. After the church services on Sunday evening, the colonias became impassible and our groups were forced to wait out the tempest on the Gateway’s property for the next two days.
As a staff we praised God for the groups He sent us! They displayed huge servants’ hearts and helped us out with several projects around the base. Our participants proved to be as fluid as the streets and did not complain about missing out on two days of being on site with the Mexican churches where they thought they would be serving. What a blessing to encounter such uplifting attitudes as we worked to adapt our schedule!
Although we anticipate clear skies through next week, the coming of the rain is a sure predictor that they will soon be populated by another kind of cloud. Each year, masses of mosquitoes hatch in hungry grey swarms ready to feast about 7-10 days after each cloudburst. So, for those of you preparing to visit us in July, be sure to pack your insect repellent! You might plan on a few extra pairs of lightweight pants and long-sleeve shirts in place of the shorter versions to have as little skin exposed as possible.