If you come to a house and a person says he has not accepted Christ, then please follow the Holy Spirit’s lead and share with them whatever is on your heart. If you share the gospel, share it with humility (not pride—the “I’m right and you’re wrong” attitude) and boldness (not fear–or at least in spite of fear). If you come to a house and it is evident that Christ is their hope and joy, then do not think your time is wasted! Stay and spend time with them. Strengthen the body. Love and be loved. Pray with them. Never feel the need to be in a rush. If you spend the entire 2 ½ hour ministry block in one house, praise God! We are not looking to go broad with our home visits, but deep!
This ministry block is sometimes frightening. It is easy to think you have to present this picture perfect, four law, lecture to people you do not know…THIS IS UNTRUE. Tell of the many good things Jesus has done. A passage to think on for this ministry is Mark 1:40-45:
The man was told to say nothing…we are commanded to say much. While, we are so terrified of speaking, this man spoke so much that Christ could not even go into public. The reason being, Christ had forever changed his life. He had LEPROSY. Now he is free. When something like that happens in your life you do not have to be told to speak. You just cannot shut up about it. I think we have put too many constraints on our thoughts and we spend too much time thinking “HOW” instead of just speaking and sharing the beauty and freedom found in Jesus Christ. Be encouraged and remember what it is that Jesus did in you… then just share it!
Also, just be real. If there are questions that you have about God, if you are struggling with your own faith in some areas, don’t feel like you have to present this façade that you have it all figured out. Don’t feel like you have to explain an infinite Being to them.
“Alan Jones says that priests, ‘are not so much people with answers as ones who guard the important questions and keep them alive’ The church exists to guard the important questions. Keep them alive. When the questions are kept alive, our souls have a chance of staying alive.”
—Michael Yaconelli
“We cover our deep ignorance with words, but we are ashamed to wonder, we are afraid to whisper “mystery.” -Tozer
“The goal of faith is not to create a set of immutable, rationalized, precisely defined and defendable beliefs to preserve forever. It is to recover a relationship with God.” -Dan Taylor
Don’t be afraid to just sit and ponder the mysteries of God and of faith with someone. Even if you come to no conclusions, that simple encounter could awaken some questions in them that they have never thought of before, which accelerates them on the journey to knowing God personally.
Structure and Resources:
Each participant receives one new testament to give away during the week. We also have tracts available.
Encourage your participants to know where to find at least one verse of scripture that has been significant in their life that they could use to encourage someone. If they give away their New Testament, they might consider personalizing it by highlighting the verse and writing a note of encouragement.
When your groups go out, just send 2-3 to the door and the rest should stay back and pray over them. Then at the next house have new people step forward. (This will also force the shy kids to step up to the plate, rather than hiding behind those who talk a lot.) Pray, Pray, Pray! Ask Jesus to lead you in thoughts, prayer, and word.
If you are with believers, ask them to share their favorite scriptures with you!
A good way to close is by asking for prayer requests, sharing your own prayer requests (if you are visiting with believers) and praying together.
Thank you for being with our grandson’s Brian and Daniel Minnehan. We appreciate their witness and what they learned and felt while being on this mission. Pat and I leave for Romania in August to work in an orphanage, preach at churches, conduct Bible Schools, taking food and clothing to the poor and many other of God’s work. We will be going with a group from Maine, so will have plenty workers.
Thanks again.
Gar and Pat Mayer