1:00 – Teams begin arriving at the Gateway and settling in.
8:00 – Worship
8:45 – Free time
10:30 pm – LIGHTS OUT!!! (No Jokes … too many personality types to not take this serious!)
8 am – Breakfast
9:15 am – All participants meet under the big tent for ministry orientation.
10:00 am – Break into ministry sites for AIM training.
11:00 am – Break to get ready for the market and evening church services
11:45 – Lunch at the Gateway
12:30 – Leave for the market
1:00 – Spend all your parents’ money on soccer jerseys, hammocks, Mexican blankets, and anything else you can get back on the plane with (but remember you won’t get back into the states with tobacco, alcohol, or swords).
3:30 – Leave the market and head to the ministry sites
4:00 – Meet your pastor and prayer walk his colonia. Invite the community to the service.
5:30 – Worship with the church in your colonia
7:00 – Share a meal with the congregation. We bring the food. You will serve the church and then eat and fellowship with them.
7:45 – Depart to head back to the Gateway
8:30 pm – Project Facilitators check in with youth pastors, showers, team time if desired, etc.
10:30 pm – LIGHTS OUT!!! (No Jokes … too many personality types to not take this serious!)
(After leaving the market, times are approximate based on when the church you are working with holds services.)