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Thank you! (Group leader comment)

To all the great people of

I was the team leader of the group that just got
back from Matamoros last week (May 16th to 22nd 2010) and wanted AIM to
know how amazing God moved and how greatly AIM blessed us.

note – at no time and in no way were we ever in any danger – we never
even had a perception of danger or saw any violence. The Gateway is in
such a secluded and safe area we always felt safe. Richard always made
sure we traveled where and when we should and we were always home before
dark. As Chris Basden knows, this group really struggled on whether we
should go to Matamoros – we are SO glad we did, as usual the media
coverage does not portray what we saw.

Prior to the trip your
staff was amazing! – We were on again and off again and on again and off
again …………. At all times Chris Basden and those helping her
were so patient and kind with us during that process. She even looked
at alternative options more than once even though we ended up in
Matamoros. She encouraged and prayed for us without fail.

staff at the Gateway were also amazing. There is no way our trip would
have been so amazing (see our reports on the AIM website for the amazing
things God did during our week) without the guidance, prayers, and
leading of Richard and his staff. Richard is blessed by God in
evangelism and has a special heart for worship. Richard, Gail, Z, and
all the other staff served us with the love of Christ. We were also
blessed to have Lynn Courtney as a co-project leader. She modeled for
us what a true woman of God looks like and served us all in so many
amazing ways (including her prayer-warrior abilities). And finally, the
special worship lead by John moved us all so close to God.

wish I could say more — words do not express what happened to our group
last week – kids confessed sins, loved on each other, prayed,
worshiped, served, and saw many of the lost come into God’s kingdom.

God that we went!!!!!! Please use our team as a reference for future
teams – the only risk those teams face is not being a part of this
incredible privilege in Matamoros to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you ………..
