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Youth Detention Center

The following are two emails from one of our translators who will be leading our ministry at the Youth Detention Center. This will be a perfect fit for going to the places where we see God already moving.

“Please pray for me because I am about to teach God’s Word to 17 young boys at the

Center. Pray that they would grow spiritually and that discipleship would come to them beyond the walls of the center. Ask your congregation to join in prayer as warriors before their God. I know Satan will try to stop what I am doing so pray continuously that I will prevail. The Father is using me to pray with the sick on Mondays from 5:45 – 7:30 and to visit the elderly whose eyes no longer allow them to read God’s word on their own. I am blessed to be used in this way. I also have the privilege of bringing food to the homeless so pray that God continues to provide in this arena. We read scripture as they eat. It is such a joy and blessing!!!”

Thanks again for your prayers … Your brother and friend,

Oscar Duran

A Few Days Later

Today was my 2nd day of teaching English to the students God has given me. He gave me them to teach his word. I explained that I would be there from 10:00

u003cfont coloru003d”red”>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>All of the
ones that have the red color exepted Crist into there hearts,praise God
for giving me this beatifull miracle.u003c/span>u003c/font>u003c/u>u003c/span>u003c/font>u003c/p>



u003cp>u003cfont sizeu003d”3″ faceu003d”Times New Roman”>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:12.0pt”>——————————u003cWBR>——————————u003cWBR>——————————u003cWBR>————————u003c/span>u003c/font>u003c/p>



u003cp>u003cstrong>u003cb>u003cu>u003cfont sizeu003d”3″ coloru003d”red” faceu003d”Times New Roman”>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:12.0pt;color:red”>Name:Simon Marcelo Garciau003c/span>u003c/font>u003c/u>u003c/b>u003c/strong>u003c/p>



u003cp>u003cstrong>u003cb>u003cu>u003cfont sizeu003d”3″ coloru003d”red” faceu003d”Times New Roman”>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:12.0pt;color:red”>Age:19 years oldu003c/span>u003c/font>u003c/u>u003c/b>u003c/strong>u003c/p>



u003cp>u003cfont sizeu003d”3″ faceu003d”Times New Roman”>”,1]

a.m. to 11:00 a.m. teaching English and from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. reading and preaching from the Word of God. Well today I started a little late and so my English ran into the time that we were to be reading scripture. One the students interjected, “Its 11:25 and we should be reading scripture.” They were so hungry for the Word of God. Isn’t that a blessing? We stopped immediately and began reading from Matthew 4 which discusses the temptation of Jesus Christ. We then were led to Revelations 1 and I felt led to preach and evangelize. Before leaving I could not help but ask if anyone wanted to receive Jesus. Many of them felt led and even the security guard who was standing in the room asked to receive Jesus. I did not even have to use a track or repeat the Word because all I said had come from the Spirit. The following in red are the names of those who accepted Christ. Praise God for such a beautiful Miracle!

Name: Simon Marcelo Garcia

19 years old

Name: Mario Josue Rodriguez Lopez

16 years old

Name: Jose Guadalupe Silva Sanchez

17 years old

Name: Daniel de Jesus Soto Lopez

18 years old

Name: Gabriel Antonio Dias Fuentes

17 years old

Name: Carlos Daniel Ventura Arguello

17 years old

Name: Susana Del Angel

Martinez (security guard)

24 years old.

Principal from the prison:
Georgina Rendon.

My prayer is that each will continue to learn and the Holy Spirit will invade their lives so that service to God their Father would result. Pray that God would continue to use me how he sees fit.

Your Friend and Brother – Oscar Duran

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